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Nick Armstrong

Position: Director
Term: Term Expires May 2027 Board member since 5/5/20

Nick Armstrong is the Board’s newest member after being elected in 2020, but he’s no stranger to community involvement.

Nick is the lead organizer of Fort Collins’ Comic Con and Start-up Week, the president of the Maple Hill HOA Board and a former candidate in the 2020 Fort Collins City Council election. Beyond that, he’s an entrepreneur and the “geek-in-chief” at a local marketing company.

Since his time on the board, wastewater issues and water conservation have become key interests for Nick, who believes everyone has a part in conserving water and ensuring high water-quality standards.

With that in mind, he sees water consumption and growth as two pressing issues for the District.

“Growth and future development are the biggest issues facing Boxelder,” he says. “Water consumption and treatment are key considerations to the development of any community—and as Fort Collins and Northern Colorado grow, the ability of every partner to be good partners with positive contributions will make sure we continue to have enough clean water for future generations.”

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