John Giuliano
The owner of a development company in Northern Colorado, John Giuliano brings a unique perspective to the board in that he’s worked with Boxelder for many years as a builder. Specializing in the development of unused farmland into build-ready lots for local contractors gives him a familiarity with the District, as does his even longer history with the board: His father was on the board more than 20 years ago.
“My dad would come home from board meetings and tell me about all of the great things they were working on,” he remembers. “That’s what introduced me to the industry and its importance.”
John was elected to the board in 2016 and during that time he has become more aware and appreciative of how his sewer bill is applied to the day-to-day operations by the District. “Now that I know how complex the entire wastewater process is, it shows just how efficient we are and must continue to be to keep costs down.”
The most pressing issues according to John come from keeping pace with government regulations. “While these are essential to our operations, it does create an ongoing challenge for any district to navigate.”