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Boxelder cuts rates, continues service during COVID-19 outbreak

BSD Customer,

Boxelder Sanitation District recognizes this is a difficult time for our customers and their families in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, the Board of Directors has moved to reduce rates by $15 per month for residential customers (see chart below for other reductions). This move is to provide financial relief during these tough times.

Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, our staff will continue to ensure all services and needs are met. Boxelder will hold an online public hearing to officially implement the rate change on April 28. Changes will be reflected in your May bill. To offset this cut, the District will suspend all planned rehabilitation and replacement projects in 2020, such as pipe relining and replacement and manhole repairs.

 Your Board of Directors remains a steadfast leader committed to District customers during this time of crisis while continuing to provide reliable wastewater service to protect the Poudre River and our shared environment. For the latest updates visit

Brian Zick, District Manager

Dennis Gatlin, Chair of Board of Directors